My Work

I thought I’d start listing my work because I’ve done so much in my time as that it’s easy to forget…

And by the way, this is a constant “work in progress”, I only started this page on 19th July 2017, so it will take a while to curate the many years of my digital work.


Not all my copywriting is listed because I was a hack for seven years generating stories for a small business news channel… That amounted to many hundreds of news articles!

So, I’ve picked mostly my blog posts with a few news pieces here and there for posterity…


  1. Keyboard Hygiene – Clean Your Dirty QWERTY (January 25, 2012)
    A test of office keyboards revealed some horrendous hygiene stats…

Clever Marketing

  1. The Facebook Outage: What Can Businesses Learn? (October 2021)
    Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram were unavailable for half a day due to a BGP error…
  2. Content is King – For People or Search Engines? (July 2017)
    A discussion with a copywriter inspired this post about writing for people or for search engines…

  3. The 5 Good Habits of Digital Marketers (5th July 2017)
    I wrote this article as a foil to a previous, more negative blog on our website entitled “5 Bad Habits of Digital Marketers”. I wanted to showcase and highlight the positive instead.

  4. The Benefits Of Working With A Local Design Agency (13th June 2017)
    Here I highlighted the pros of working with a digital agency in the home counties as opposed to at the other end of the country or offshore…

  5. Website Audits: What An Automated Audit Won’t Pick Up (7th June 2017)
    Push button website audits are great but they really need human intervention and interpretation in order to be truly effective…

  6. Every Business Needs A Website, Right? (15th May 2017)
    Every business has a phone number, an email address, a physical address and so it needs a web address too, correct?

  7. Clever Marketing’s Woking Peregrines (20th April 2017)
    With a nest of Falcons above our office, I wanted to talk about the famous “pets” at our studio in Woking.