
  • Yesterday’s headlines were rife with claims that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said that people with shares do not count as “working people”. If that’s what he meant then that is absolute rubbish. Apparently people with assets are “not working people”. The types of asset owners mentioned in the press were landlords and share owners.… Read more

  • Monthly Divs

    When I started investing in stocks and shares just over 3 years ago I didn’t make much in my first calendar year – just 57p. Then in 2022 I stepped up a little bit and earned a princely £14.39 By 2022 I realised that if I worked hard, made money for other people but didn’t… Read more

  • Chatting to a friend over the weekend she said she had shares in BT. I asked how much she was making in dividends; 74 pence she said. She’d inherited her BT shares from her mother who had them as a former British Telecom employee. That was a funny conversation. Making just 74p isn’t going to… Read more

  • Now before I talk about my investments, let’s be very clear – they’re not massive. At all. My single biggest personal account right now is indeed my trading account. But in the grand scheme of savings and investments, it’s barely a quarter of what I currently hold. My mission is a simple one; to have… Read more

  • Only last night I was catching up with a friend, asking him if he’d had any more recent income from his Premium Bonds – After last summer he said he was getting more regular “wins” of £100 a month from his full investment in Premium Bonds. He said he never used to have so many… Read more

  • Just over a year ago I started dabbling in shares via the Freetrade app. My trading philosophy is to buy shares in services that I use and claw back some of what I spend almost as discounts or cash back. My supermarket of choice, until the cost of living crisis, has always been Sainsbury’s. It… Read more

  • Only the other day I said that we should all be shareholders. I say that partly because successive governments after Margaret Thatcher’s initial privatisation have promised that everyone can be a shareholder. The reality is that they are not. Depending on which figures you look at, only between 22% and 33% of Brits are direct… Read more