Never Give Up The Power You Have

Vandana Shiva and Russell Brand.

I’ve been really enjoying the thoughts and words of Russell Brand recently; His quest for enlightenment, his recent Audiobook Revelation, and the amazing guests he’s spoken to on his YouTube channel and Luminary podcasts, including Ekhart Tolle, RenĂ© Brown and Ricky Gervais, to name just a few. However, his recent interview of Vandana Shiva really … Read more

What Easter Really Means

Yes folks, it’ that time of year again where, if you’ve forgotten, there are plenty of people out there who want to remind you what easter really means. This year we’ve already had Cadbury and The National Trust scolded for dropping the word Easter from their advertising to “Join the Cadbury Egg Hunts”. Now we’ve … Read more

Beetroot Books

The Money-less Man - A Year of Freeconomic Living - from Beetroot Books In my quest to find alternatives to Amazon, my latest discovery has been an interesting one.

A couple of weekends ago I made a brief trip to Avebury in Wiltshire, a picturesque little English village and home to an impressive neolithic henge monument.

Once I was home that same Sunday evening I had a sudden flash of inspiration and wondered what Britain’s leading Druid, Philip Carr-Gomm, was up to these days…

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