Is Digital PR the Future?

Digital PR

I was talking with an IT and comms company the other day, trying to describe how the landscape of search has been continually evolving and I said they needed a new form of digital PR so to speak. So what is the future of digital PR or is it already here and we’ve not been giving it the attention it deserves?

Truly Holistic Digital Marketing

Digital marketing; what is it? SEO? PPC? Social media? Paid social? Programmatic? It’s all of the above. Digital marketing is also a lot more. When you’ve learned HTML, CSS, been a researcher, a web designer, a web developer, worked in a digital marketing agency, twenty years ago, before “digital marketing agency” became a term and … Read more

Google+ First Thoughts

Google+First up, a big thank you for the Google+ invite from Nick Lewis; local developer and photographer, who, despite living in the same town and within 2 miles of me, I haven’t even met in the few years I’ve known him (via twitter).

So, I clicked my Google Plus invite as soon as I received it but was greeted with a message saying thanks for the interest but Google+ wasn’t accepting any more new users. Disappointing to say the least…

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Is Your Business Still “Nervous” about Social Media?

I was chatting with Mick Dickinson of yesterday, discussing how the landscape has changed in marketing trends, particularly with regards to social media. Mick’s particular case, from a few months back, was of an “old skool” marketing guy failing to keep up with the times. This resonated with an  experience I’ve had just this … Read more

Jan Moir, Nick Griffin, Twitter and the Mob

Ever since Jan Moir wrote her piece in last week’s Daily Mail column questioning and commenting on everything surrounding Steven Gately’s untimely death her name has seemed to be a permanent fixture in the trending topics on twitter.

Sure, it was a pretty rude article, but it was in the Daily Mail so what do you expect?