LinkedIn SEO Assessment: Top 5%

LinkedIn SEO Assessment: Top 5%! I’ve always been a modest soul but recently I’ve felt it time to actually, really show off my skills. My Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) work always does the talking and I’ve been a successful SEO consultant for over twenty years now.

However, LinkedIn had this option to “earn a badge” and so I thought I’d try my hand and see what results I could achieve.

The questions, I will admit, were quite challenging but I applied my extensive SEO knowledge and a little of that “Spidey” instinct where the questions were not that clear (I was only ever an A level student, and never went to university so I’m not supposed to be that intelligent) I was rather pleased with myself at earning the badge plus actually being in the top 5% of LinkedIn badge earners.

The small print here is that to get to that level, you need to score greater than 70%, so for 46,650 or just 5% people to get 7 out of 10 is quite interesting in itself. 933,000 people took that SEO assessment so it’s great to be in the top 5% of a group of nearly one million.

Blowing my own trumpet? Why not, I don’t see anyone else doing it for me.

If you want to secure my services, see my LinkedIn profile, read the about me page on this website or hit that contact form.

LinkedIn SEO Assessment: Top 5%

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